Principle Investigator

Joshua A. Baccile
Ph.D. in Chemical Biology, 2017
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Josh grew up in Big Flats, New York, and attended SUNY Cortland for his B.S. in Chemistry working on the synthesis of photocleavable peptide conjugates under Prof. Frank Rossi. He then moved 30 minutes away to get his Ph.D. in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Cornell University. His graduate research focused on the discovery and characterization of novel biosynthetic pathways and metabolites from filamentous fungi. After his Ph.D, Josh went across the country to do postdoctoral research in Prof. David Tirrell’s lab at Caltech in the Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. His postdoctoral research was focused on the development of artificial protein force sensors for hydrogels. In August of 2020 Josh moved to Knoxville, TN and started the lab in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
Graduate Students

Dillon McBee (5th Year GS)
B.S. in Biochemistry, 2020, Youngstown State
dmcbee1 [at]

Nick Trybala (5th Year GS)
B.S. in Chemistry, 2018, Tennessee Tech
ttrybala [at]

Anna-Kay West (5th Year GS)
M.S. in Organic Chemistry, 2020, Ball State
B.S. in Biochemistry, 2018, Ball State
awest60 [at]

Tawakalitu Afolabi (4th year GS)
M.S. in Chemistry, 2021, University of Ibadan
B.S. in Chemistry, 2018, University of Ibadan
tafolab1 [at]

Zack Hulsey (4th year GS)
B.S. in Chemistry, 2021, Dalton State
zhulsey [at]

Vijani Wijayasekera (3rd year GS)
B.S. in Chemistry, 2019, Institute of Chemistry Ceylon
vwijayas [at]

Grace F. Neelankavil (3rd year GS)
Integrated MS (BS-MS) in Chemistry, 2021
University of Hyderabad, India
gneelank [at]

Neil Truslow (3rd year GS)
B.S. in Chemistry, 2022, Youngstown State
ntruslow [at]

Nicklas Johansen (2nd year GS)
B.S. in Chemistry, 2023, Wingate University
njohans2 [at]
Undergraduate Students

Miranda Phillips
Senior Chemistry Major

Bijan Ghabussi
Senior Chemistry and Biology Major

Sierra Segura
Senior Biochemistry Cell & Molecular Biology Major

Lizbeth Cambron
Senior Biochemistry Cell & Molecular Biology Major
Previous Members

Camila Gonzalez
REU Summer Student

Joseph Holdheide
Undergraduate Research Assistant

Frank M. Rossi
Visiting Scientist (1 year sabbatical)
Professor of Chemistry
SUNY Cortland

William Mazur
Junior Neuroscience & BCMB Majors

Briggs Marcantel
Junior Chemistry Major

Maggie Hodge
Senior Chemistry Major

Thaddeus Puzdrakiewicz
Senior Chemistry Major

Kerani Davidson-Ross
B.S. in Chemistry, 2019, N.C. A&T

Hannah Dennis
Senior Chemistry Major

Robby Turner
B.S. and M.S. in Nuclear Engineering, 2024
Texas A&M

Makayla Hedges
Grad student at Emory